Science Pool

DILI Prediction using Human 3D Models, HCS and Concentration Normalisation

Posted by Evotec on Feb 11, 2021 7:48:54 PM

In vitro 3D cell-based models are more representative of the complex in vivo microenvironment than traditional 2D monolayers. Furthermore, these models allow for long term compound exposures - more closely replicating clinical dosing strategies.

In this poster, we focus on:

  • 3D human liver microtissues formed from multiple donors co-cultured with human non-parenchymal cells
  • exposure of the cells to multiple doses of hepatotoxins and non-hepatotoxins
  • HCS analysis of DNA structure, GSH content, ROS formation and mitochondrial function
  • the impact of correcting for therapeutically relevant tissue Cmax 

Read our poster to learn more about our research!



Tags: Posters, Toxicology & Safety