Science Pool

iPSC-Derived Cell Therapies Summit 2023

Posted by Evotec on Sep 12, 2023 11:35:30 AM

Date: 3rd - 4th October 2023

Location: Boston, MA, United States

Attending: Audrey Holtzinger, Vice President iPSC Cell Therapy, and Olivia Candini, Cell Therapy Process Development Supervisor

Evotec is Innovation Partner at this event. 


Oral and poster presentation


Diabetes cell therapy with Evotec iPSC-derived islet-like clusters in the Sernova Cell PouchTM

Presented by Audrey Holtzinger, Vice President iPSC Cell Therapy, Evotec

  • Update on Evotec’s end-to-end integrated platform for iPSC-based cell therapeutics
  • Results from pre-clinical testing of iPSC-derived islet-like clusters combined with the implantable Cell Pouch
Oral presentation date and time: October 4th, 2023, 2:30pm local

Session: The Future is iPSCs: Re-Evaluating Translational & Strategical Priorities to Drive Next Steps Across the iPSC Industry


Development of an off-the-shelf allogenic anti-cancer cell therapy using potent iPSC-derived natural killer cells

Presented by Audrey Holtzinger, Vice President iPSC Cell Therapy, Evotec

Poster presentation date and time: October 3rd, 2023, 3:00pm local



Learn more about the iPSC-Derived Cell Therapies Summit 2023

Tags: Events, Evotec