Science Pool

A Spotlight on Aging Webinar series

Posted by Evotec on Sep 19, 2023 1:43:54 PM

Watch on demand now!

Our 3 part "Spotlight on Aging" webinar series is now available to stream on demand.

In the last fifty years, life expectancy has increased dramatically thanks to advances in science, medicine, and public awareness. The population is living longer, but with it comes the challenge of improving Healthy Life Expectancy.

Join our speakers in our innovative 3-part webinar series where they will openly discuss 3 key topics:

  • Therapeutic approaches for aging and age-related disease
  • Aging and precision medicine
  • Why older adults should not be underrepresented in clinical trials. 


Tags: Videos & Webinars, In vitro Biology, Proteomics, Metabolomics & Biomarkers, Age-Related Diseases, Clinical Development