Science Pool

Strategies to Minimise the Risk of DILI

Posted by Evotec on Mar 7, 2021 1:24:04 PM

Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is a leading cause of drug failure due to poor translation between traditional preclinical animal models and human clinical outcome. More sophisticated human in vitro cell-based models with multiparametric endpoints are now being developed to improve DILI prediction.

In this review article, we focus on:

  • the evolution of the strategies adopted to improve human hepatotoxicity prediction in drug discovery
  • how companies are addressing translational challenges using human relevant cell-based models
  • a further insight into the key role of human exposure and hepatic drug uptake transporters (e.g., OATPs, OAT2)

Read our publication to learn more!


Tags: Articles & Whitepapers, Toxicology & Safety