Science Pool

Blood microsampling in cynomolgus monkey and evaluation of plasma PK parameters in comparison to conventional sampling

Posted by Evotec on Aug 22, 2023 11:57:37 AM

Blood microsampling is a less invasive and simplified alternative to traditional venipuncture for PK/TK sampling, used mainly in small-animal studies. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the possibility of using microsampling technique also to support PK/TK studies in non-human primates.
A comparison of plasma PK parameters was conducted by traditional blood collection from the femoral vein and microsampling from the tail vein of six non-naïve cynomolgus monkeys. Four drugs were selected for this comparison, based on acid-base properties and volume of distribution. 
The results obtained in this work, supported by robust statistics, demonstrated the suitability of microsampling in supporting PK/TK studies in non-human primates. 
The plasma exposures of the tested drugs are comparable for both sampling techniques and are not influenced by acid-base characteristics and volume of distribution. 
Microsampling used in non-human primates avoids the occurrence of hematomas at the animal sampling site and can also refine practices to limit pain and distress to which animals are exposed (refinement of 3Rs) and, as a result, may reduce the impact of animal stress on PK/TK readouts; moreover, it also provides significant advantages for animal technicians during in life handling.

To request a copy of the article, contact the authors. For Evotec:

Tags: Articles & Whitepapers, Blog, ADME/DMPK, IND Enabling Studies/Preclinical Development, Toxicology & Safety