Science Pool

3D Cell Models DDup #12

Posted by Evotec on Mar 10, 2022 11:38:33 AM

The 12th edition of our Drug Discovery Update (DDup) provides insights into exciting new developments in 3D cell models including microtissues, organoids and organ-on-a-chip technology.

In this edition, it covers:

  • an introduction to 3D cellular models
    • the need for better models to improve translation from in vitro to in vivo
    • the relevance of 3D cellular models to kidney disease modelling and drug induced toxicity prediction
  • an overview of Evotec's 3D in vitro platforms
    • glomerulus-on-a-chip to study kidney disease
    • kidney organoids to study polycystic kidney disease
    • organ microtissues to predict drug-induced toxicity
  • interviews with experts Dr Christodoulos Xinaris, Dr Reiner Class, Dr Magali Ferro and Dr Stephanie Ryder


Tags: Kidney diseases, Articles & Whitepapers, Toxicology & Safety, Metabolic Disease & Complications