Science Pool

The New Cyprotex e-Store - ADME-Tox Services Now Available Online!

Posted by Cyprotex on Oct 10, 2023 1:38:12 PM

Rapid turnaround is essential for ADME-Tox services, especially during drug discovery. However, turnaround time for the assay isn’t the only consideration. The time required to prepare the quotation may delay the scheduling of the assay and, in turn, the study start date.

The new Cyprotex e-Store provides a solution to this. Registered users of the e-Store are able to view instant pricing for a comprehensive range of ADME-Tox services. As well as having access to detailed protocols and the latest editions of our educational guides, users also benefit from special offers only available through the e-Store.

Online ordering is simple. Previous orders can be tracked through the e-Store and it is easy to re-order your favourite assays. All of this information can be accessed outside business hours. A range of payment options are available on the e-Store including credit card, existing purchase order or invoice. These features allow services to be ordered and scheduled the same day so saving you time.

Despite this automated approach, you are still supported by a dedicated scientific study manager and account manager who are on-hand to guide you at all stages of your study.

Want to learn more?

Explore the Cyprotex e-Store

Tags: Blog, ADME/DMPK