Science Pool

ICH M12 2024 vs Japanese PMDA 2018 DDI Guidelines. Navigating the Changes.

Posted by Evotec on Jul 5, 2024 12:00:29 PM


The new ICH M12 guideline harmonises drug interaction guidance from the major regulatory authorities. It is expected that the ICH M12 guideline will be implemented by the Japanese Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA), the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and presumably replace their existing guidelines/guidance. In this blog, we explore the differences in the in vitro studies between the new ICH M12 guideline adopted in May 2024 and the Japanese PMDA guideline from 2018. You may also be interested in our blogs comparing with the US FDA 2020 guidance (LEARN MORE), and the EMA 2013 guideline (LEARN MORE) to the ICH M12 guideline.

Reaction Phenotyping

The new ICH M12 and the PMDA guidelines are similar in terms of their recommendations. Both have the same cut-off of ≥25% of total elimination for determining if the enzyme needs further investigation in a clinical study. The ICH M12 suggest investigating a larger range of phase II enzymes if the investigational drug is not metabolised by the main CYP enzymes whereas the Japanese PMDA only specifically name UGT enzymes for phase II.

Enzyme Inhibition

For enzyme inhibition, both the ICH M12 and PMDA guidelines recommend evaluating the main seven CYP isoforms for enzyme inhibition as well as UGT inhibition if one of the major elimination pathways of the investigational drug is direct glucuronidation. However, the ICH M12 suggests evaluating a larger panel of UGT isoforms (UGT1A1, UGT1A4, UGT1A9, UGT2B7 and UGT2B15) compared to the PMDA guideline which suggests only UGT1A1 and UGT2B7 inhibition.

For reversible inhibition, the cut-off for determining if a clinical study is required is the same in both guidelines using the basic model. However, for time dependent inhibition, 5x Cmax,u is used in the calculation in the ICH M12 whereas 50x Cmax,u was used in the 2018 PMDA guideline, suggesting a less conservative approach is now being used in the new ICH M12 guideline. Interestingly, the PMDA guideline also recommended a different cut-off for CYP3A in the GI tract for time dependent inhibition – this is not covered in the new ICH M12 guideline.

Enzyme Induction

The ICH M12 and the PMDA guidelines are similar in terms of CYP induction. The equation for the relative induction score is the same in both guidelines. Similarly, the basic kinetic model cut-offs are the same for both the ICH M12 and PMDA guidelines.

Transporter Substrate Identification

Both guidelines recommend that the same transporters are assessed. The method for testing and cut-offs for clinical assessment are very similar between the PMDA and ICH M12 guidelines.

Transporter Inhibition

For transporter inhibition, the ICH M12 and PMDA guidelines are the same in terms of the cut-offs. The only omission from the PMDA is that it only considers the oral route for P-gp and BCRP inhibition whereas the ICH M12 also considers the parenteral route for these transporters.


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Comparison of ICH M12 with Japanese PMDA DDI Guideline

Posted by Evotec on Jul 4, 2024 3:52:42 PM

Read about the newly adopted harmonized drug interaction guideline including:

  • An overview of the key highlights of the new ICH M12 harmonized guideline on drug interaction studies (2024)
  • A comparison with the Japanese PMDA guideline on drug interaction for drug development (2018)


Tags: Fact Sheets, ADME/DMPK, IND Enabling Studies/Preclinical Development

ICH M12 2024 vs EMA 2013 DDI Guidance. What’s New?

Posted by Evotec on Jul 4, 2024 2:13:31 PM


The new ICH M12 guideline on drug interaction studies provides a harmonised approach which is expected to be implemented by the major regulatory authorities including the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Japanese Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA), and presumably replace their respective existing guidelines/guidance. In this blog, we explore the differences between the new ICH M12 guideline adopted in 2024 and the previous EMA guideline which came into effect in 2013. You may also be interested in our blog comparing the US FDA 2020 guidance to the ICH M12 2024 harmonised guideline (LEARN MORE). Our comparison of the Japanese PMDA 2018 guideline with the ICH M12 guideline will follow shortly.

Reaction Phenotyping

The new M12 ICH and the EMA guidelines are similar in terms of their recommendations. Both the ICH M12 and the EMA guideline have the same cut-off of ≥25% of total elimination for determining if the enzyme needs further investigation in a clinical study.

Enzyme Inhibition

For enzyme inhibition, both the ICH M12 and EMA 2013 guidelines recommend evaluating the main seven CYP isoforms for enzyme inhibition. For reversible inhibition, the cut-off for determining if a clinical study is required is the same in both guidelines using the basic model. However, for time dependent inhibition, 5x Cmax is used in the calculation in the ICH M12 whereas 1x Cmax was used in the EMA 2013 guideline, suggesting a more conservative approach is now being used in the new ICH M12 guidance. Furthermore, in the ICH M12, only a single cut-off is provided for time dependent inhibition whereas the EMA has cut-offs for intestinal enzymes for orally administered drugs as well as systemic enzymes. The EMA currently suggest drug interactions in the GI tract will be addressed with accompanying EMA documentation.

Both guidelines suggest evaluating UGT inhibition if one of the major elimination pathways of the investigational drug is direct glucuronidation, however, the ICH M12 references a larger panel of UGT isoforms including UGT1A1, UGT1A4, UGT1A9, UGT2B7 and UGT2B15 whereas the EMA 2013 references only UGT1A1 and UGT2B7.

Enzyme Induction

The ICH M12 and the EMA 2013 guidelines are similar in terms of CYP induction. The cut-offs for the basic fold-change method and the relative induction score (RIS) are the same. For the correlation method, the ICH M12 guideline gives better clarity on the cut-off value to be used compared to the EMA guideline. The ICH M12 provides clearer guidance on how to interpret the basic kinetic model whereas the EMA 2013 guideline incorporates the model into a mechanistic static equation.

Transporter Substrate Identification

Both guidelines recommend the same transporters are assessed. The method for testing and cut-offs for clinical assessment are very similar between the ICH M12 and EMA guidelines. However, once again the ICH M12 provides more clarity on interpretation of the results especially in the case of the uptake transporters.

Transporter Inhibition

For transporter inhibition, the EMA 2013 guideline recommends screening for OCT1 and BSEP inhibition in addition to the standard transporters recommended by the ICH M12. Although these transporters are not in the standard list for the ICH M12 guideline, it is suggested they may be assessed on a case-by-case basis with other transporters such as OATP2B1 and MRP2. The cut-off values also differ between the two guidelines with the EMA 2013 guideline tending to be more conservative for certain transporters. One final difference is that the ICH M12 recommend a pre-incubation with test article for transporters such as OATP1B1 and OATP1B3 whereas the EMA 2013 guideline does not refer to a pre-incubation as the scientific literature and consensus concerning this topic only started to appear later around 2017.


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Tags: Blog, ADME/DMPK, IND Enabling Studies/Preclinical Development

Comparison of ICH M12 with EMA DDI Guideline

Posted by Evotec on Jul 4, 2024 1:47:43 PM

Read about the newly adopted harmonized drug interaction guideline including:

  • An overview of the key highlights of the new ICH M12 harmonized guideline on drug interaction studies (2024)
  • A comparison with the EMA guideline on the investigation of drug interactions (2013)






Tags: Fact Sheets, ADME/DMPK, IND Enabling Studies/Preclinical Development

2024 ICH M12 Guideline Comparison with 2020 FDA Guidance

Posted by Evotec on Jul 1, 2024 1:52:20 PM

The new ICH M12 guideline on drug interaction studies provides a harmonized approach expected to be implemented by the major regulatory authorities such as the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the Japanese Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) and presumably replace their respective existing guidance.

Explore the differences between the 2020 FDA Guidance and the 2024 ICH M12 Guideline with our handy reference document.


Tags: Fact Sheets, ADME/DMPK

Watch on Demand Webinar - Assessing Transporter DDI Risk During Drug Discovery and Development​

Posted by Evotec on Jun 26, 2024 3:20:42 PM

Watch our webinar by expert Rob Elsby on assessing transporter risk during drug discovery and development.

Watch Now

Tags: Videos & Webinars, ADME/DMPK

ICH M12 2024 vs FDA 2020 DDI Guidance - Exploring the Differences

Posted by Cyprotex on Jun 19, 2024 6:18:50 PM

ICH M12 2024 vs FDA 2020 DDI Guidance. Exploring the Differences.

Download our handy comparison summary

The new ICH M12 guideline on drug interaction studies is welcomed by industry as it provides a harmonized approach which is expected to be implemented by the major regulatory authorities such as the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the Japanese Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) and presumably replace their respective existing guidance. In this blog, we explore the differences between the now finalized ICH M12 guideline adopted in May 2024 (draft for comment released 2022) and the previous US FDA 2020 guidance released in January 2020 with a focus on the in vitro assays.

Before we launch into the individual assays, one general observation in the new ICH M12 guideline is the replacement of the term ‘victim’ to ‘object’ to denote an investigational drug (usually a substrate) which is affected by a concomitant drug, and the replacement of the term ‘perpetrator’ to ‘precipitant’ to denote an investigational drug (typically an inhibitor or inducer) which affects a concomitant drug. This amendment only appeared in the final version of the ICH M12 guideline as it was one of the comments from review of the draft version.

Reaction Phenotyping

If we consider reaction phenotyping initially, the differences between the new ICH M12 and the FDA 2020 guidance are relatively minimal. Although the ICH M12 refers to all the enzymes mentioned in the FDA guidance, it also refers to some additional Phase II enzymes which may need to be evaluated including glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) and N-acetyl transferases. Both the ICH M12 and the FDA guidance have the same cut-off of ≥25% of total elimination identified using in vitro studies (reaction phenotyping and metabolite identification) and human mass balance data for determining if the enzyme needs further investigation in a clinical study. One key difference is that the FDA guidance recommends two methods should be used for reaction phenotyping – the first method using selective inhibitors in the presence of human liver microsome or hepatocytes and the second method using human recombinant enzymes. In the ICH M12 guidelines, only one of these methods is required.

Both the ICH M12 guideline and the FDA guidance have recommendations for evaluating metabolites in reaction phenotyping studies if the exposure levels of the metabolite results in clinically relevant changes in efficacy or safety.

Enzyme Inhibition

Moving onto enzyme inhibition, both the ICH M12 and FDA guidance recommend evaluating the main seven CYP isoforms for reversible and time dependent inhibition. For reversible inhibition, the cut-off for determining if a clinical study is required is the same for both the ICH M12 and FDA. However, for time dependent inhibition, 5 x Cmax,u is used in the calculation in the ICH M12 whereas a higher safety factor of 50 x Cmax,u was used in the 2020 FDA guidance, suggesting a less conservative approach is used in the new ICH M12 guideline.

One addition to the ICH M12 guideline, which is not specifically included in the previous FDA 2020 guidance, is the inclusion of reversible UGT inhibition. The ICH M12 recommends that UGT1A1, UGT1A4, UGT1A9, UGT2B7 and UGT2B15 inhibition should be evaluated if direct glucuronidation is one of the major elimination pathways of the investigational drug. Although it is considered an area of ongoing research, it is currently recommended in the ICH M12 that the same cut-off values should be used for UGT inhibition that is applied to CYP enzymes (i.e., Cmax,u/Ki,u<0.02).

Enzyme Induction

For enzyme induction, the FDA guidance suggested either catalytic activity or mRNA could be used to assess induction. It also suggested that immortalized hepatic cell lines may be used to determine CYP induction potential. However, the new ICH M12 primarily recommends the analysis of mRNA (with the exception of CYP2C19 where catalytic activity should be measured) and that the CYP induction assessment should be performed in human hepatocytes. The ICH M12 guideline also addresses the issue of toxicity and recommends that cell viability assessment is performed before and at the end of the incubation.

For data analysis, both the ICH M12 and FDA cover the three basic methods (fold-change, relative induction score correlation method and basic kinetic model) and align on the cut-offs for indicating if an investigational drug has the potential to induce in vivo. However, for the basic mRNA fold method in the ICH M12 guideline describes assessing test drug concentration of 50 x Cmax,u whereas the FDA only suggests testing up to 30 x Cmax,u suggesting a more conservative approach now by the ICH M12. Furthermore, in the calculations for the correlation methods and the basic kinetic model, unbound EC50 (EC50,u) is specified in the ICH M12 whereas only EC50 is referred to in the FDA guidance. Finally, the ICH M12 describes in more detail an indicative positive control response for CYP1A2, CYP2B6 and CYP3A4 of typically at least 6-fold to ensure sufficient sensitivity of system, whereas this level of detail is absent from FDA.

Transporter Substrate Identification

Both the ICH M12 guideline and the FDA DDI guidance (2020) recommend the same transporters are assessed. The method for testing and thresholds for clinical assessment are very similar between the FDA and ICH M12.

Transporter Inhibition

For transporter inhibition, the same transporters are recommended in the ICH M12 as the previous FDA guidance, however, the cut-off value for determining if a clinical study should be performed are different in a couple of instances. Firstly, for P-gp and BCRP inhibition where the investigative drug is administered by the parenteral route or if a metabolite is formed post absorption, the cut-off value in ICH M12 is an IC50 of 50 x Cmax,u, whereas in the FDA guidance it is 10x Cmax total; important to note the additional difference for what is defined as [I]. This indicates a more conservative approach by the FDA when plasma protein binding is > 80%, or by ICH M12 when plasma protein binding is < 79%. The second instance applies to the cut-off value for MATE1 and MATE2-K, which has increased to an IC50 of 50 x Cmax,u rather than 10x Cmax,u, indicating a more conservative approach by the ICH M12 for these renal transporters. The ICH M12 also specifically refers to unbound IC50 (IC50,u) in the calculations whereas the FDA guidance only references IC50. In this regard, it is important to recognize that any correction of IC50 for potential non-specific binding that might occur within a transporter inhibition assay would only be required if the assay did not incorporate a pre‑incubation step with investigational drug as standard methodology for all transporters prior to the co‑incubation with fresh investigational drug solution and probe substrate. With such standard methodologies, the inclusion of the pre‑incubation step would be anticipated to mask any non-specific binding sites therefore the co‑incubated concentrations of investigational drug would be nominal for IC50 fitting purposes, i.e. IC50 = IC50,u.


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Tags: Blog, ADME/DMPK, IND Enabling Studies/Preclinical Development

The New ICH M12 Guideline – Harmony at Last for DDI Studies!

Posted by Evotec on May 31, 2024 10:27:06 AM

There is a sigh of relief as the new ICH M12 guideline for drug interaction studies is finally released. The new harmonised guideline, adopted in May 2024, is now likely to be implemented by all the major regulatory agencies who have been actively involved in its creation including the US FDA, the EMA and the Japanese PMDA. Previously, each authority had their individual DDI guidance all with distinct differences in protocols and interpretation, leading to practical challenges in designing and interpreting DDI studies to meet all the recommendations. The new ICH M12 aims to simplify the process by providing a single set of guidelines for the designing, conducting and interpreting metabolic enzyme- or transporter-mediated drug-drug interaction (DDI) studies. The guideline covers both in vitro and clinical DDI studies. It provides a consistent approach to replace existing recommendations from the main regulatory authorities.

The ICH M12 harmonised guideline is concentrated predominantly on small molecules. The DDI of biologics is only briefly covered with a focus on monoclonal antibodies and antibody-drug conjugates. Recommendations on how to address metabolite-mediated interactions and the use of model-based evaluations and DDI predictions are also included.

Watch out for our series of blogs on the key differences between the previous US FDA, EMA and Japanese PMDA guidance and the new ICH M12 and how you might be impacted by the changes. We are also busy updating our popular Everything you need to know about ADME and our DDI guides – we will let you know as soon as these are available!

Read the new ICH M12 guideline on drug interaction studies

We are on hand to assist you with designing, conducting and interpreting your DDI study according to the new ICH M12 guideline:

Get in touch

Tags: Blog, ADME/DMPK, IND Enabling Studies/Preclinical Development

Webinar Slides: Deciphering the Clinical DDI Between Atazanavir and Rosuvastatin

Posted by Evotec on Feb 7, 2024 3:26:49 PM

Presentation slide deck for the webinar Deciphering the Clinincal DDI Between Atazanavir and Rosuvastatin.

Tags: Presentations, ADME/DMPK

The New Cyprotex e-Store - ADME-Tox Services Now Available Online!

Posted by Cyprotex on Oct 10, 2023 1:38:12 PM

Rapid turnaround is essential for ADME-Tox services, especially during drug discovery. However, turnaround time for the assay isn’t the only consideration. The time required to prepare the quotation may delay the scheduling of the assay and, in turn, the study start date.

The new Cyprotex e-Store provides a solution to this. Registered users of the e-Store are able to view instant pricing for a comprehensive range of ADME-Tox services. As well as having access to detailed protocols and the latest editions of our educational guides, users also benefit from special offers only available through the e-Store.

Online ordering is simple. Previous orders can be tracked through the e-Store and it is easy to re-order your favourite assays. All of this information can be accessed outside business hours. A range of payment options are available on the e-Store including credit card, existing purchase order or invoice. These features allow services to be ordered and scheduled the same day so saving you time.

Despite this automated approach, you are still supported by a dedicated scientific study manager and account manager who are on-hand to guide you at all stages of your study.

Want to learn more?

Explore the Cyprotex e-Store

Tags: Blog, ADME/DMPK