Science Pool

INDiGO-Select Fact Sheet

Posted by Evotec on Mar 2, 2022 1:34:15 PM

Learn more about how our INDiGO-Select services help in profiling and selecting your optimal clinical development candidate with:

  • Enhanced quality profile, speed of delivery, and probability of success of clinical candidates
  • Early identification of developability gaps and liabilities in selection process, enabling thorough
    de-risking of your candidate with flexible advanced lead optimization approaches
  • Managed by skilled discovery scientists and complemented by experienced drug development
    experts in CMC and preclinical development all under one roof


Tags: INDiGO, Fact Sheets, IND Enabling Studies/Preclinical Development, Toxicology & Safety, Clinical Development

Clinical Services Fact Sheet

Posted by Evotec on Mar 2, 2022 1:12:17 PM

Learn more about our clinical services platform including:

  • Fully integrated drug development services supporting preclinical and clinical needs,
    up to regulatory approval and commercial phases
  • Clinical supply suitable from First in Human to Phase III, fully GMP-compliant and
    with capacity to handle active ingredients classified up to OEB5 (OEL>0.5 µg/m³)
  • Additional capabilities such as API, formulation development, sample management, PK and statistical analyses, and metabolism


Tags: INDiGO, Fact Sheets, IND Enabling Studies/Preclinical Development, Clinical Development

Abuse Liability Fact Sheet

Posted by Evotec on Feb 10, 2022 11:30:19 AM

Learn more about our abuse liability services including:

  • Compound characterization
  • Pharmacological assessment
  • Preclinical Behavioral studies
  • Integration within a multidisciplinary full-scope clinical-enabling program with chemistry,
    pharmacology, DMPK, safety assessment, regulatory and clinical support, all driven by our drug
    development experts


Tags: INDiGO, Fact Sheets, IND Enabling Studies/Preclinical Development

INDiGO: Fastest Route to the Clinic Fact Sheet

Posted by Evotec on Feb 10, 2022 11:16:44 AM

Learn more about INDiGO and Evotec's integrated preclinical development capabilities to de-risk and accelerate IND-enabling programs:

  • Typically, drug candidates can be advanced from candidate selection to IND-submission in 48–52 weeks
  • Our experienced team not only executes R&D projects, but also proactively contributes to your scientific strategy
  • Clients can either opt for the full INDiGO platform or selected preclinical development and CMC components


Tags: pre-clinical development, INDiGO, Fact Sheets, IND Enabling Studies/Preclinical Development

Safety Assessment Fact Sheet

Posted by Evotec on Feb 10, 2022 10:01:32 AM

Learn more about our safety assessment services including:

  • Toxicology core capabilities
  • Safety pharmacology (GLP) studies
  • Genetic toxicology (GLP) studies
  • Additional capabilities such as bioanalytical method development and GLP validation, DMPK, immunoassays, immunogenicity testing, immunotoxicology assays


Tags: INDiGO, Fact Sheets, ADME/DMPK, IND Enabling Studies/Preclinical Development, Toxicology & Safety

INDiGO-Select: selecting your optimal clinical development candidate

Posted by Evotec on Aug 31, 2021 2:59:56 PM

Earlier this year, Evotec hosted a complimentary webinar, ‘INDiGO-Select: profiling and selecting your optimal clinical development candidate’.

INDiGO-Select focuses on better understanding (or increasing the knowledge) of the lead molecule chemistry, its physical-chemistry properties and preclinical DMPK and safety profile, helping to minimise the risk of failure during transition into the subsequent development stages. Evotec’s Manager, Integrated Development Programmes, Sabrina Pagliarusco and Senior Scientific Project Leader, Federico Tosini, take the audience on a journey starting with the war on attrition and a deeper dive into the importance of having a well-designed approach to de-risking. A relatively small investment at the candidate selection stage allows early identification of potential developability liabilities and challenges which consequently allow for a quicker reaction, at a lower cost.

Evotec’s approach to integrated solutions in drug development – INDiGO-Select and INDiGO – are then highlighted. The INDiGO-Select package is never the same for the candidate as it depends on the data that is generated during the discovery phase. To identify any gaps and technical risks, the key areas of focus are the chemistry and pharmaceutical properties, DMPK, the PK/PD relationship and preliminary safety assessment. The next stage – INDiGO - then accelerates early drug candidates into the clinic by reducing time from nomination to regulatory submission. The advantage is that this program can be customised based on data generated during the select and be conducted at a unique site while integrated, so all actions can be performed under the same roof.

Two case studies that used the INDiGO-Select package are then highlighted. The first focuses on low bioavailability, where the client – a small Biotech – has a therapeutic target in neurodegenerative diseases. The activities performed and data presented highlight the impact that an INDiGO-Select model can have on the progress of IND-enabling activities. A second example looks at chemistry and preclinical PK variability. For this particular case study, the objective was to increase the knowledge on the candidate profile and its developability, reducing the risks of later failure in the full development phase. In this instance, the compound was characterised further and, thanks to the data generated, some potential issues were identified to be considered and monitored during the customised development phase.

Choosing the INDiGO-Select model has a number of benefits including enhanced quality of selected drug candidates, increased probability of success later in development and an overall reduction of development costs and project timelines.

Discover more about INDiGO-Select by streaming this insightful webinar from our experts now!


Tags: INDiGO, Blog, ADME/DMPK, IND Enabling Studies/Preclinical Development, INDiGO-Select