Science Pool

Reducing Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Costs in J.POD Facilities

Posted by Evotec on Dec 7, 2023 10:25:28 AM

Patients around the world have limited or restricted access to biopharmaceutical medicines. Reducing production costs while still maintaining high quality standards will help increase the affordability of biologics and ensure more patients benefit from these life-saving medicines.

Traditional biomanufacturing facilities have failed to deliver biopharmaceutical products with sufficiently low Cost of Goods Manufactured (COGM) to allow greater patient access. These facilities have been built with fixed capacity and a focus on large-scale fed-batch manufacturing. Scaling-up processes to large-scale fed-batch manufacturing facilities involves considerable risk, resource, and upfront costs. Such facilities often lack flexibility which limits the products that can be produced within them and can leave valuable production assets idle for periods of time.

Manufacturing costs link directly to capacity utilization and product demand. There is a historical precedent within the biopharmaceutical industry of operating with excess capacity but we must recognise this comes with a financial penalty. We must address this challenge if we are to respond to global healthcare emergencies, changes in the way healthcare systems are managed and greater demand for global access to biotherapeutics.

Continuous Bioprocessing Platforms and Modular Facility Designs

The industry needs new flexible biomanufacturing concepts to quickly react to market fluctuations and achieve a higher predictability of costs. Modern biopharmaceutical productions facilities use building and manufacturing technologies, such as modular construction, to minimize clean room space utilization and reduce footprints. They allow faster speed to market with a lower upfront capital investment and are readily expandable when product demand is better understood. Continuous manufacturing platforms can be integrated into these facilities for low-cost bioprocessing using mammalian cell hosts in perfusion bioreactors linked to continuous downstream trains. Production costs remain low irrespective of facility mass output, the product quality attributes are consistent and manufacturing footprints are minimized.

Just-Evotec Biologics has developed a low-cost manufacturing facility design utilizing modular cleanroom pod technology that we call J.POD®. The J.POD facility design features individual pre-fabricated cleanroom pods arranged in a controlled, non-classified ballroom to minimize the cleanroom footprint of operations that would have previously taken place in a large ballroom. Media and buffer preparations, cell expansion, upstream, downstream and post viral are all housed in separate pods. The design minimizes fixed utility infrastructure and instead relies on single-use continuous upstream and downstream operations.

Biomanufacturing Facility Cost Comparisons

We developed process models for a fed-batch process in a traditional stainless-steel facility, a fed-batch process in a single-use facility and three continuous processes in a J.POD facility. The models were created using the Biosolve software (Biopharm Software Ltd) to show the benefit of the J.POD facility design on the COGM of an antibody biologic. We used Net Present Cost (NPC) to compare scenarios. NPC estimates cash flows by computing operational costs and discounting over time using a capital parameter. It does not include revenues in the accounting of cash flows and assumes capital costs are sunk costs incurred at the beginning of the project.

Comparison of processes and facilities for different batch types

Figure 1 shows the expected costs from operating the different facility types and assumes their throughput increases at a rate of 250 kg/year up until a peak value. The range selected was representative of market demands for typical biopharmaceutical manufacturing facilities. Jumps in the NPC correspond to points when the capacity of a facility is reaches and new builds are needed.

We can draw the following conclusions from the results.

  1. J.POD facilities achieve remarkable production outputs despite their small footprint because of the high productivity of the continuous perfusion process.
  2. Fixed CapEx comprises a large proportion of the total costs in a stainless-steel facility. J.POD facilities apply single-use technologies resulting in a shift from fixed to variable costs.
  3. The fully continuous J.POD facility gives the lowest costs with the stainless-steel facility returning the highest expenditure over the range.
  4. The stainless-steel facility is not being operated at its optimum utilization rate over the production output range modelled that leads to inefficiencies.

mAB facility comparison

Driving Up Access to Biotherapeutic Medicines

We believe that modern biomanufacturing facilities must have smaller processing spaces, higher production throughputs and lower production costs. Modelling shows how our J.POD facilities have the lowest initial build and operating costs as well as the ability to control operating costs. These facilities are outperforming older manufacturing platforms in terms of cost and utilization. They are becoming an essential component of strategies for reducing costs and driving up access to biotherapeutic medicines. 

Read The Full Article

Tags: Articles & Whitepapers, Blog, Biologics

Prediction of Functional and Structural Cardiotoxicants using hiPSC Cardiomyocytes

Posted by Evotec on Nov 29, 2023 11:08:22 AM

Cardiotoxicity remains one of the most reported adverse drug reactions that lead to drug attrition during pre-clinical and clinical drug development. Drug-induced cardiotoxicity may develop as a functional change in cardiac electrophysiology (acute alteration of the mechanical function of the myocardium) and/or as a structural change, resulting in loss of viability and morphological damage to cardiac tissue.

Our latest work, published in Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology, is now available to download.


Tags: Articles & Whitepapers, Toxicology & Safety

The Hollow Fibre Infection Model (HFIM), a novel in vitro model for developing anti-infective therapies

Posted by Evotec on Nov 16, 2023 8:20:51 PM

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the biggest health threats worldwide. Key to countering AMR is the development of novel anti-infective drugs. The limitations of animal models and clinical trial design have emphasised the importance of nonclinical pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics (PK/PD) platforms which provide a detailed understanding of the relationship between the fate of the antimicrobial compound in the body (PK) and the impact of exposure to the compound on the target microbes (PD). This allows us to optimise dosing regimens to maximise the efficacy of antimicrobial compounds (microbial killing) while minimising toxicity and the risk of the emergence of AMR.

What is the HFIM?

The HFIM is a system of pumps, tubing and microfibers that mimics the body, allowing in vitro assessment of anti-infective compounds under more relevant conditions. It consists of a central reservoir and tubing used as a circulating system, and a hollow fibre cartridge with thousands of permeable capillaries. The extra capillary space (ECS) outside the fibres within the cartridge contains the target organism. During operation, the drug-infused growth medium in the central reservoir is continuously pumped to the hollow fibre cartridge, rapidly passing through the capillaries into the ECS. This continuous flow ensures that nutrients, oxygen, and test compounds are continuously refreshed while waste products are removed. To simulate drug clearance, fresh medium is added to the central reservoir effectively diluting the drug from the system. Accordingly, this balance of drug supply/clearance can effectively simulate the drug’s PK profile.

Why choose the HFIM as PK/PD model?

It is the most capable in vitro system for PK/PD determination for anti-infective compounds, against bacteria and fungi. It is a dynamic model capable of simulating almost any given concentration-time profile for one or more compounds, even if they have very different half-lives.. The Hollow Fibre Infection Model is not limited by in vivo model availability, compatibility of PK profiles, dosing or sampling frequency, or study duration, which is extremely important for understanding PK/PD relationships and the risk of AMR over clinically relevant treatment times. Various cartridges with fibres manufactured from different materials are available to optimise the HFIM for microbial growth and compound performance.

In conclusion, the HFIM is a versatile in vitro PK/PD platform which can accelerate the development of antibacterial and antifungal compounds, contributing to the fight against AMR. 

If you’d like to learn more about the uses of the Hollow Fibre Infection Model you can download our white paper here

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Tags: pre-clinical development, infectious diseases, Articles & Whitepapers, Blog, In vitro Biology, Anti-Infectives

Unlocking the Secrets of Healthy Aging: Prolonging Healthspan and Enhancing Quality of Life

Posted by Evotec on Sep 19, 2023 1:36:08 PM

Can we age healthier?

Due to better hygiene and medicines, the aging population has been growing steadily over the last 30 years. By the year 2031 1.4 billion people will be aged 60 or over, comprising one in six of the worlds population.. This figure will reach 2.1 billion by 2050, with 426 million being aged 80 or more. Unsurprisingly, the UN declared 2021 -2030 the Decade of Healthy Aging. The aging global population brings considerable societal challenges. In developed nations, old age increases the financial pressure on healthcare systems because healthcare spending rises sharply with age. This is in part due to the increased use of medications with advanced years, but also the associated support and care costs.

Increasing healthspan

However, the underlying problem is not life span but healthspan. Being of advanced age does not necessarily mean being frail, sick and in need of care. Already today, there are many healthy seniors living an active life. To promote this notion, the WHO set the goal to provide every person in every country in the world the opportunity to live a long and healthy life. This is encapsulated perfectly with the definition of healthy aging being ‘the process of developing and maintaining the functional ability that enables well-being in older age’. Functional ability means having the capabilities to be and to do what people have reason to value, i.e. meeting not only basic needs but also allowing them to learn, grow, and make decisions, to be mobile, to build and maintain relationships, and to contribute to society. This is very different from life extension calculated as accumulation of human years.

What is biological aging?

Aging can be defined as a time-dependent decline in body function and is observed in virtually all living organisms. The accumulation of cellular damage due to dysfunction in multiple biochemical systems increases the susceptibility to disease and ultimately results in death. This is most likely a result of evolution, once an organism has reached sexual maturity to enable reproduction and raising offspring, it makes no biological sense to invest more energy in maintaining the organism. However, the case is more complex for long-lived mammals, with offspring that need to be protected for a protracted time to enable them to reach sexual maturity. Hence mammals have evolved sophisticated and very efficient repair and maintenance mechanisms in order to correct any cellular dysfunction. With this perspective in mind, aging can be defined as the gradual deterioration of this biological maintenance. We can then view improving healthspan through the lens of slowing this decline or improving restorative or regenerative capacity within tissues and organs.

Already, science has identified a number of factors that can contribute or accelerate the aging process and these include genetic predisposition, obesity, smoking and the status of the gut microbiome. Downstream of these drivers is frequently low-level chronic inflammation – ‘inflammaging’ that contributes to the gradual deterioration in cellular and tissue function. The immune system itself is also subject to decline over time, meaning that many of the protective and repair mechanisms of the adaptive and innate immune system become less effective over time. A combination of these factors are thought to contribute to the common diseases associated with advanced age, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic liver and kidney diseases, type-2 diabetes and dementia. We are all familiar with how these diseases lead to a reduced life expectancy, but also significant impairment in the individual’s quality of life.

At the cellular and molecular level, there are key biochemical mechanisms that promote gradual deterioration of function across all cell types, that we believe underpins loss of physiological performance - consistent with the process of aging. These are well recognized as the classical ‘hallmarks of aging’. These include the emergence of cellular senescence and the senescence-associated secretory phenotype- which drives much of the chronic inflammation in tissues. Telomere shortening, genomic instability and the accumulation of genetic damage which can lead to tumour formation, epigenetic changes, exhaustion of stem cells, altered cell-cell communication, loss of control of proteostasis, aberrant nutrient sensing and mitochondrial dysfunction. In addition there are more generalised drivers of the aging process such as those linked to dysbiosis.

There is therefore no single driver of biochemical and physiological aging, but the concerted influence of an array of many contribuing factors at play. These complex systems can seem daunting to address, but within each of these pathways there are potential points for pharmacological intervention that constitute targets for drug discovery programs. The goal of pharmacotherapy can therefore be viewed as intervening in key node points to slow the accumulation of dysfunctional processes and maintain cellular integrity for longer. Targeting these fundamental pathological mechanisms will be key to providing a systems-wide (i.e. holistic) benefit to the individual.

How to prolong health span?

It is known that medical interventions, good health practice, refraining from smoking, eating appropriately, and exercising, can all help protect our health. But as mentioned above, there are opportunities to improve healthspan, through targeting key points within the pathways that are recognized as the classical hallmarks of aging.

Developing novel senolytics - challenges and opportunities

One of the hallmarks of aging that has been very well characterized is cellular senescence. This occurs when cells reach the end of their ability to divide resulting in stasis, a state associated with the ‘senescence associated secretory phenotype’ (SASP). Under these conditions, the senescent cells release a cocktail of proinflammatory mediators which in the young targets them for removal by the immune system. However, in the aged, where the immune system itself is subject to gradual decline, senescent cells continue to release the cytokines, chemokines, growth factors and other bioactive components which contribute to inflammaging. As such, the use of senolytic agents which are aimed at killing off senescent cells by suppressing the pathways that keep them alive, is receiving significant attention in the aging field. According to a recent report in Nature Medicine, around 20 clinical trials of senolytic compounds are ongoing. Clearly, blocking the ‘keep me alive’ signals in the cell and triggering cell death offers a compelling approach in the treatment of cancer, but such a powerful pharmacological mechanism carries risk. In keeping with this, at present the majority of the ongoing clinical studies are for very severe indications and not aging. However, it seems likely that if the risk-benefit of such a pharmacological approach in man is understood and favourable, senolytics could find utility in aging.

An additional or maybe complimentary approach would also involve the immune system. A healthy lifestyle suppresses pro-inflammatory mediators and at a very simplistic level, agents which inhibit inflammation may prove beneficial. However, inflammation also plays a very important protective function in the body and so such an approach may not prove advantageous for chronic treatment. Conversely, boosting the performance of the immune cells seems like a more viable approach since it would enable the body to fight off infectious agents and correct and repair cellular and tissue dysfunction in a more effective way. The stem cells giving rise to immune cells reside in the bone marrow and their accessibility means their biology is very well understood, especially with respect to stem cell maturation and differentiation. Manipulation of these precursor cells in a positive way could offer the potential to regenerate the immune system and hence slow many of the downstream effects of inflammaging and the damaging consequences of infectious disease, which we know is more prevalent in the aged population.

Before we go in search of completely novel agents to address aging, there may already be therapeutic agents available which may be beneficial. Metformin and rapamycin are generic and widely used in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes and as an immunosuppressant for organ rejection, respectively. However, several clinical studies have suggested that there are health benefits to these agents which seem to be driven by pharmacology that lies outside of that recognized in their primary indications. In the preclinical setting, both compounds have been reported as extending lifespan in mice, but these findings have proven controversial. Metformin improves insulin sensitivity, so it seems reasonable to assume that metformin reduces the risk of cellular damage and oxidative stress by improving cellular homeostasis. On a more global level, improved glycaemic control will reduce the emergence of some cardiovascular disease and peripheral nerve damage. The immunosuppressive effects of rapamycin can be theoretically linked to a dampening of inflammaging, however it seems that the agent may have a more cryptic pharmacological effect associated with improving energy homeostasis in cells.

The bisphosphonates are a group of compounds used clinically in the treatment of osteoporosis, but there are observational studies emerging from the clinic suggesting that they could have beneficial effects on human health beyond that associated with bone homeostasis.

Collectively, these widely used agents may have uncovered key pathways in which to focus efforts to identify more potent or selective agents to address cellular aging. What is required is a deeper mechanistic understanding of the cellular pharmacology of these drugs to determine where best to intervene. A key approach to address this is the possibility of using phenotypic screens in cellular models which capture one or more of the hallmarks of aging, to determine modes of action of known agents. In addition, such models can also be used in a blind fashion to screen libraries of compounds to uncover completely novel pathways and identify agents that may be beneficial.

One of the big challenges in the search for treatments to improve healthspan is having robust endpoints by which to measure efficacy. Clearly extension in chronological time to death provides a very clear endpoint, but it seems likely that clinical trials aimed purely at increasing longevity are a long way off. As such, there is a growing need to accurately measure biological age, as chronological age fails to capture the heterogeneity of signs and symptoms with which people age. For example, we probably all have family members who we think look and behave much younger than we know their chronological age to be. How do we measure healthspan in the context of a clinical setting? How do we define quality of life? These are big challenges but we do have the ability to measure directly improvements in, for example, heart or liver function, muscle strength, mobility, cognition and the performance of the immune system. It seems probable that the identification of pharmacological agents that improve healthspan will be found via exploration in multiple surrogate indications where hard endpoints can be measured and beneficial or detrimental effects become clear.

We need to continue to develop biomarkers and translational strategies which are able to inform us of whole-body cellular ‘health’ and with the gathering interest in this area, we will likely have an increasing array of tools to more accurately assess biological age over time.

However, we should always remember that patients don’t care about biomarkers. They are interested in whether they ‘feel’ better, i.e. can meet their basic needs, whether they can learn and grow and make decisions, can be mobile, build and maintain relationships and contribute to society. That is the patient’s perspective which is encapsulated perfectly in the goals as stated by the WHO.

So, while there is a growing understanding of potential ways we can measure and improve healthspan, there are some challenges in clinical development of novel anti-aging compounds. Study subjects may be aged but otherwise healthy, leading to ethical considerations associated with treating healthy patients in a preventative manner. There is no regulatory path at present, and there is the fundamental question of who is going to pay for agents that improve healthspan. Currently there is an argument over whether old age can be regarded as a disease or not. This is irrelevant as approval of any novel agents or use of an existing therapeutic in an age-related condition will require properly controlled, randomized clinical trials. Given the likely heterogeneity in such a trial population and the differing rates at which individuals age (i.e. manifest the hallmarks of aging), the trials will need to be large and long in duration. There would be parallels to the many trials in Alzheimer's disease, where the cost is enormous and efficacy hard to find. Moreover, it seems probable that like the thinking around AD, treatments should start early before symptoms appear. An additional confounder is the likely variations in ADME in individuals. We know elderly subjects often have reduced hepatic and renal function which could introduce significant variability in the exposure to novel agents.

We can meet these challenges as we believe there is significant will within society to succeed. We all share the common goal of living long and healthy lives.

If you’d like to hear how Evotec has developed capabilities to measure the hallmarks of aging which can support efforts to identify novel agents to treat age-related disease then reach out to us. You can also learn more from our webinar "Therapeutic approaches for aging and age-related diseases" by Steve England, SVP, Head of in vitro Biology and Disease Area Lead for Aging and Senescence at Evotec.


Tags: Articles & Whitepapers, Blog, In vitro Biology, Proteomics, Metabolomics & Biomarkers, Age-Related Diseases, Clinical Development

How an Integrated, Continuous, Intensified Approach for Manufacturing Biologics Provides Productivity and Quality Benefits

Posted by Evotec on Aug 29, 2023 6:31:11 PM

Tags: Articles & Whitepapers, Biologics

Why early mAb Sequence Optimization can Improve Developability and Reduce Costs

Posted by Evotec on Aug 29, 2023 6:27:55 PM

Tags: Articles & Whitepapers, Biologics

Reducing biopharmaceutical manufacturing costs through continuous processing

Posted by Evotec on Aug 29, 2023 6:17:11 PM

We recently published our latest paper in Drug Discovery Today. Our authors Fernando Garcia and Eva Gefroh introduce a type of flexible biomanufacturing facility called J.POD®, capable of capitalizing on Intensified Continuous Biomanufacturing (ICB) to deliver against current cost and speed needs in the biopharmaceutical industry. We are pleased to share this featured review with industry and partners as we continue to work together to expand access to medicines that matter.


In this work, process models were developed to capture the impact of biomanufacturing costs on a commercial scale and emphasize the way in which facility design and operation must balance meeting product demand while minimizing production costs. Using a scenario-based modeling approach, several facility design strategies were evaluated, including a traditional large stainless-steel facility and a small footprint, portable-on-demand (POD)-based facility. Bioprocessing platforms were compared by estimating their total production costs across different facility types and specifically illustrating how continuous bioprocessing has gained in popularity as a novel and cost-effective approach to manufacture high-quality biopharmaceuticals. The analysis showed how fluctuations in market demand have a dramatic effect on manufacturing costs and plant utilization, with far-reaching implications on the total cost to patients. Read the full article in Drug Discovery Today.


Tags: Articles & Whitepapers, Biologics

Inhibition of METTL3 results in a cell-intrinsic interferon response that enhances anti-tumour immunity

Posted by Evotec on Aug 29, 2023 8:52:27 AM

A major disadvantage in fighting cancer is the low immunogenicity of cancer cells, impairing body’s ability to identify and destroy them. This paper describes STM3006, a novel, chemically distinct inhibitor of METTL3 with improved biochemical and cellular potency compared to the previously published ligand STM2457. Crystallography revealed improved binding within a newly formed ligand-induced lipophilic pocket within the protein, while retaining the interactions that provide high selectivity over other methyltransferases.

The authors demonstrated that METTL3 inhibition with STM3006 stimulates a cell-intrinsic interferon response through double-stranded RNA formation. This immunomodulatory mechanism is distinct from current immunotherapeutic agents and provides the molecular rationale for combination with anti-PD1 immune checkpoint blockade to augment anti-tumour immunity. In combination these therapies have demonstrated the ability to overcome malignant clones insensitive to the single agents. 

This article is written in collaboration with Storm Therapeutics.


Tags: Articles & Whitepapers

QUOD & Evotec: An academia-industry partnership built on complementary strengths

Posted by Evotec on Aug 22, 2023 12:02:39 PM

Organ transplantation is often the only available treatment option for patients suffering from end-stage kidney, liver or heart disease. In collaboration with the QUOD initiative, Evotec is committed to improving the quality of organ donation and transplantation and advancing the mechanistic understanding of these common diseases. Through multimodal characterization of donor biopsy transcriptomes and associated clinical data, our scientists aim to identify early disease signatures and targetable mechanisms of injury and repair that will open new avenues for therapeutic intervention and patient stratification. For more information, please read the recent QUOD newsletter article.


Tags: Articles & Whitepapers

Blood microsampling in cynomolgus monkey and evaluation of plasma PK parameters in comparison to conventional sampling

Posted by Evotec on Aug 22, 2023 11:57:37 AM

Blood microsampling is a less invasive and simplified alternative to traditional venipuncture for PK/TK sampling, used mainly in small-animal studies. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the possibility of using microsampling technique also to support PK/TK studies in non-human primates.
A comparison of plasma PK parameters was conducted by traditional blood collection from the femoral vein and microsampling from the tail vein of six non-naïve cynomolgus monkeys. Four drugs were selected for this comparison, based on acid-base properties and volume of distribution. 
The results obtained in this work, supported by robust statistics, demonstrated the suitability of microsampling in supporting PK/TK studies in non-human primates. 
The plasma exposures of the tested drugs are comparable for both sampling techniques and are not influenced by acid-base characteristics and volume of distribution. 
Microsampling used in non-human primates avoids the occurrence of hematomas at the animal sampling site and can also refine practices to limit pain and distress to which animals are exposed (refinement of 3Rs) and, as a result, may reduce the impact of animal stress on PK/TK readouts; moreover, it also provides significant advantages for animal technicians during in life handling.

To request a copy of the article, contact the authors. For Evotec:

Tags: Articles & Whitepapers, Blog, ADME/DMPK, IND Enabling Studies/Preclinical Development, Toxicology & Safety