Science Pool

Formulation for Toxicology Studies Fact Sheet

Posted by Evotec on Mar 16, 2022 6:32:19 PM

Download this fact sheet to learn more about formulating your way to successful toxicology studies including:

  • Early formulation
  • Material science - solid development
  • DMPK
  • In vitro, in vivo, and in silico models


Tags: Fact Sheets, Formulation & CMC, Toxicology & Safety

3D Cell Models DDup #12

Posted by Evotec on Mar 10, 2022 11:38:33 AM

The 12th edition of our Drug Discovery Update (DDup) provides insights into exciting new developments in 3D cell models including microtissues, organoids and organ-on-a-chip technology.

In this edition, it covers:

  • an introduction to 3D cellular models
    • the need for better models to improve translation from in vitro to in vivo
    • the relevance of 3D cellular models to kidney disease modelling and drug induced toxicity prediction
  • an overview of Evotec's 3D in vitro platforms
    • glomerulus-on-a-chip to study kidney disease
    • kidney organoids to study polycystic kidney disease
    • organ microtissues to predict drug-induced toxicity
  • interviews with experts Dr Christodoulos Xinaris, Dr Reiner Class, Dr Magali Ferro and Dr Stephanie Ryder


Tags: Kidney diseases, Articles & Whitepapers, Toxicology & Safety, Metabolic Disease & Complications

E.SOLVE: Solving Bioavailability Challenges Fact Sheet

Posted by Evotec on Mar 2, 2022 1:37:10 PM


E.SOLVE is Evotec's solution to accelerate your journey to the clinic supporting your formulation strategy as early as possible from discovery to market approval.

Download this fact sheet to learn more about how E.SOLVE's full range of approaches improve solubilization and bioavailability to ensure that your API can progress through the drug discovery development pipeline faster.


Tags: IND Enabling, Fact Sheets, Formulation & CMC, Toxicology & Safety

Regulated ADMET Services Fact Sheet

Posted by Evotec on Mar 2, 2022 1:34:27 PM

Download this fact sheet to learn more about our regulatory ADMET services including:

  • Full support of development projects to fulfill and anticipate regulatory requirements
  • Accelerated development process with a full vision through all drug development phases up to filing
  • Dynamic team of expert scientists capable of handling projects of any complexity in regulated environment
  • Full integration with in-house bioanalytical and safety assessment groups
  • Tailored studies and programs based on specific client needs


Tags: Fact Sheets, ADME/DMPK, IND Enabling Studies/Preclinical Development, Toxicology & Safety

INDiGO-Select Fact Sheet

Posted by Evotec on Mar 2, 2022 1:34:15 PM

Learn more about how our INDiGO-Select services help in profiling and selecting your optimal clinical development candidate with:

  • Enhanced quality profile, speed of delivery, and probability of success of clinical candidates
  • Early identification of developability gaps and liabilities in selection process, enabling thorough
    de-risking of your candidate with flexible advanced lead optimization approaches
  • Managed by skilled discovery scientists and complemented by experienced drug development
    experts in CMC and preclinical development all under one roof


Tags: INDiGO, Fact Sheets, IND Enabling Studies/Preclinical Development, Toxicology & Safety, Clinical Development

Safety Assessment Fact Sheet

Posted by Evotec on Feb 10, 2022 10:01:32 AM

Learn more about our safety assessment services including:

  • Toxicology core capabilities
  • Safety pharmacology (GLP) studies
  • Genetic toxicology (GLP) studies
  • Additional capabilities such as bioanalytical method development and GLP validation, DMPK, immunoassays, immunogenicity testing, immunotoxicology assays


Tags: INDiGO, Fact Sheets, ADME/DMPK, IND Enabling Studies/Preclinical Development, Toxicology & Safety

The Future of Toxicology Prediction- Paul Walker, Cyprotex

Posted by Evotec on Jan 31, 2022 1:58:22 PM

Watch our webinar and learn about exciting new developments in toxicology prediction and how transcriptomics is transforming DILI prediction.

Drug-induced toxicity remains a major source of attrition in preclinical and clinical. In particular, drug-induced liver injury (DILI) can be difficult to predict as it often has poor translation from animals to humans and so issues are only picked up during clinical development or post-market approval. In fact, 18% of drug withdrawals from the market are caused by DILI. These statistics have led to a push within the industry to bring testing earlier using more human relevant cell-based models. However, challenges still exist and more accurate techniques are required to improve the predictive capabilities.


About the Webinar


The webinar covers our ground-breaking work in the field of transcriptomics. Cyprotex and Evotec have jointly created a fully integrated in vitro prediction platform using 2D and 3D cell-based models combined with high throughput RNA-seq and sophisticated machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques. The company is building the largest transcriptomic database in the world. This will be used to predict the likelihood of DILI risk, mechanistic information and similarity profiles to existing compounds. Our initial data shows an impressive accuracy of DILI prediction of 82% compared with 70% for a seven read-out HCS-based DILI platform.


About the Speaker



Paul Walker PhD

VP, Head of Tox and Innovation Efficiency | Cyprotex

Dr Paul Walker is the Head of Toxicology at Cyprotex where he is responsible for the development of strategy, innovation and management of client work performed within the Toxicology Group. Paul obtained his Ph.D. from King’s College London in Molecular Toxicology being awarded the Tadion-Rideal prize for molecular sciences (2004). Paul further developed his understanding of molecular biology and toxicology during his post-doctoral years at the University of Manchester with a keen interest in the application of high content imaging and 3D models within this field. Paul joined Cyprotex in 2010 with his research interests focused on the role of drug metabolism in drug toxicity and in vitro assays to predict toxicity in early drug discovery.

Watch the webinar to learn more!

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Tags: Videos & Webinars, Toxicology & Safety

Transcriptomics in 3D Cellular Models- Alicia Rosell-Hidalgo, Cyprotex

Posted by Evotec on Jan 31, 2022 1:18:55 PM

Watch the webinar to learn more about exciting new developments in predictive toxicology!


About the Webinar

In this webinar, Dr Alicia Rosell-Hidalgo will present how high content screening (HCS) and high throughput RNA-seq techniques in conjunction with 3D liver models can be used to improve toxicology prediction and gain an in-depth mechanistic understanding of drug-induced toxicity. The presentation will focus predominantly on drug induced liver injury (DILI) with relevant case studies to demonstrate utility in safety profiling.


About the Speaker



Alicia Rosell-Hidalgo PhD

Associate Principal Scientist | Cyprotex

Dr Alicia Rosell-Hidalgo is an Associate Principal Scientist in Toxicology at Cyprotex Discovery Ltd, a subsidiary of Evotec SE. She leads the in vitro research and development carried out in the UK site for the “Panomics” project, aimed at improving predictive toxicology through 2D and 3D cell-based models combined with high throughput RNA-seq and machine learning/artificial intelligence techniques. Alicia has a bachelor’s of science in Biology and master’s degree in Biochemistry at the University Complutense of Madrid. During her undergraduate years, she gained laboratory experience through collaborations with the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the University of Brighton. In 2020, she was awarded a Ph.D. by the University of Sussex, where she researched drug-induced mitochondrial dysfunction.

Watch the webinar to learn more!

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Tags: Videos & Webinars, Toxicology & Safety

New Approaches in Toxicology - Chris Strock, Cyprotex

Posted by Evotec on Jan 27, 2022 11:07:48 AM

Seizure Prediction using MEA: Importance of Receptor Expression, Cell Type, and Maturity

The fourth webinar in this series on New Approaches in Toxicology was presented by Christopher Strock PhD from Cyprotex.


About the Webinar


For the prediction of seizurogenic and neurotoxic compounds, microelectrode array (MEA) technology has proven to be a very powerful tool. Early human induced potent stem cell (hiPSC) derived neuronal models lacked complex burst organization, making electrophysiological neurotoxic prediction challenging when utilizing an MEA platform. However, advancements in hiPSC neuronal models have addressed these challenges. In this presentation, we learn more about how maturation of the hiPSC model is critical for neuronal characteristics such as bursting and synchrony, we demonstrate how time dependent receptor expression plays a role in this maturation process, and we understand the impact of different cell types and co-culture models on the sensitivity and robustness of the neuronal and seizurogenic activity.


About the Speaker


Chris Strock

Christopher Strock PhD

Director of Scientific Operations | Cyprotex

Chris Strock received his BS in Chemistry from Gannon University in Erie, PA. He worked as an organic chemist for DuPont Ag for a few years before getting his PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the University of Maryland, Baltimore where he determined the calcium binding sites on the SR Calcium. Following his PhD, Chris was a Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Associate in the Oncology Department at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine under Barry Nelkin, PhD where he identified CDK5, a protein important in migration of cells in neural development, as an essential molecule for metastasis in numerous cancer models. He then joined Cellumen where he developed his expertise in High Content Screening technology. While there, he specialized in assay development and was responsible for the design and development of High Content HTS Protein: Protein Interaction biosensor assays. He also worked in the HCS toxicology group, developing and optimizing assays for the in vitro toxicology assay, CellCiphr®. After Cyprotex acquired Cellumen, Chris joined Cyprotex US in Watertown, MA where he has brought his expertise for the last 10 years in the area of HCS assay development, electrophysiology and toxicology. He is the co- chairman of the HesI NeuTox Group for prediction of Seizures using Microelectrode Array. He currently is the Watertown Site Head and the Head of the in vitro Toxicology group and has more than 30 peer reviewed publications.

Watch the webinar to learn more!

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Tags: Videos & Webinars, Toxicology & Safety

New Approaches in Toxicology - Monday Ogese, University of Liverpool

Posted by Evotec on Jan 27, 2022 11:07:12 AM

Development of an In Vitro T-cell Assay to Assess the Intrinsic Immunogenicity of Drugs and Chemicals

The third webinar in this series on New Approaches in Toxicology was presented by Monday Ogese PhD from University of Liverpool.


About the Webinar


The prediction of drug hypersensitivity is difficult due to the lack of appropriate models and an incomplete understanding of risk factors/mechanisms of immune tolerance. Our research at the MRC centre of Drug Safety Science, University of Liverpool combine aspects of genetics, cell biology and chemistry in order to study the fundamental principles of immunological drug reactions. We have recently developed an in vitro naïve T-cell priming assay with the potential to screen immunogenic drug candidates during preclinical drug development and the application of the assay will be discussed during my presentation.


About the Speaker


Monday Ogese


Monday Ogese PhD

Postdoctoral Scientist at the MRC Centre for Drug Safety Science | University of Liverpool

Monday O. Ogese is a postdoctoral scientist at the MRC Centre for Drug Safety Science, University of Liverpool. He was awarded his PhD (Pharmacology) in 2014 at the University of Liverpool. His first postdoctoral fellowship with AstraZeneca R&D, UK focused on drug-specific signalling between primary human hepatocytes and immune cells, and the role of hepatocyte-derived exosomes in drug-induced liver injury. His current research interest focuses on the development of screening assay systems to predict intrinsic immunogenicity of candidate drugs and chemicals. Monday has published 23 peer reviewed articles on various aspects of drug hypersensitivity reactions. In 2021, Monday joined Cyprotex as a Principal Scientist in the UK Toxicology team.

Watch the webinar to learn more!

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Tags: Videos & Webinars, Toxicology & Safety